Wild Life Relationships:

1 min readJul 5, 2020

A Psyco-Analysis

The Question…

She asked, “ What animal do you most align"?

“A Lion", was his response.

“Okay”, she texted.

24 hours later…

She asked, “ What animal do you think I most align"?

“IDK, a Deer", he responded.

“So, I’m your Prey!?”, she texted.

5 minutes later…

She called.

Their relationship ended.

He is not safe. She runs away from him. For her life. This is not a healthy relationship.

She did what deers do. Deers don’t fight. Deers take flight.

But, he was an honest lion.

She, was a lying deer.

Or a deer in denial.

Only a baby deer can learn to love a lion and accept a dinner date invitation from a predator.

Only a sick lion would love a deer or refuse to see that a deer is his prey.

A lion must be a Lion.

And a deer, a Deer.

Inter-species romances are impossible even if this relationship is but an emotional construct of one or all involved.




I am a soul experiencing humanness…willingly exposing truths, balancing-out struggles between the super-ego and id to free my ego. Purge! This is My Medium.