Unmasking America’s Attack on the Black Family: The Urgent Need to Support Black Boys

3 min readJul 16, 2023

Welcome to Self-care Sunday! As I take a moment to reflect on my younger self, I am confronted with the harsh reality of the institutional and structural gaps that hindered the prosperity of many young black families. Mis-education, juvenile and prison pipelines, economic disparities — the list goes on. While some issues may seem self-inflicted, upon closer inspection, they too trace back to systemic agitators that perpetuate the cycle of disadvantage.

Personal Reflections and Insights

Juxtaposing my memories of “Lil’ Subrina” against the tragic loss of my own brothers and countless other young black boys who never had the opportunity to reach adulthood with the same liberties, I ponder the pivotal role of coping skills. As an “Over-achiever,” I navigated life differently from my brothers — one an “Externalizer” who hurt others when injured, and the other an “Internalizer” who inflicted pain on himself when those he loved were hurt. While each coping identity is dysfunctional in its own way, my survival is not solely a result of my will; I can keenly identify macro and micro systemic agitators that laid claim to my brothers’ lives.

Unveiling America’s Attack on the Black Family

However, there is nothing hidden to unmask. America harbors no secret agitators bent on the demise of black girls or boys, or the black family. It is crucial to acknowledge that little girls like me were — and still are — categorically undervalued, marginalized, and preyed upon. The attack is real, and it is relentless. What I recognize is the systemic assault on the Black Family, with the black male as ground-zero for these challenges.

The Power of Education and STEM

My personal journey has taught me the transformative power of education and a career path in STEM, particularly technologies. It has been my beacon of hope, enabling me to break free from the chains of systemic barriers. However, I also recognize the glaring achievement gap across the talent-pipeline that disproportionately affects black boys. Their potential remains untapped, demanding targeted and persistent support.

Empowering Black Boys for a Thriving Black Family

To level the playing field, black boys must be intentionally supported in the same ways as black girls. Only through unified efforts can we uplift the entire Black family and pave the way for a future where all members can thrive. Neglecting the needs of black boys hinders progress and perpetuates a cycle of disadvantage for generations to come.

A Call to Action

So, I urge you, dear reader, to join me in this transformative journey. Let us collectively challenge the status quo and dismantle the systemic barriers that plague our Black Family. We must work hand in hand, supporting both black girls and boys, to create a more equitable society where opportunities are abundant for all.

In Conclusion

As we conclude this Self-care Sunday, let’s remember that true self-care extends beyond ourselves — it encompasses the care and empowerment of our entire community. By supporting black boys, we empower black girls. Together, we can ensure that future generations thrive, and the Black Family rises above the adversities imposed on it.

Are you ready to be a part of the change? Let’s stand united and make a lasting impact together. Because, at the end of the day, a thriving Black family benefits us all.

#SelfcareSundays #selfcaresunday #STEM #BlackFamily #BlackBoys #BlackGirls




I am a soul experiencing humanness…willingly exposing truths, balancing-out struggles between the super-ego and id to free my ego. Purge! This is My Medium.